Sunday, July 1, 2007

sometimes you wake up and feel something isn't think about it and remembered that things isn't going the way you've thought about yet how much you have tried..seems so utterly think of the past,wanting to return,or ask why haven't you done the opposite of what have you already done...why couldn't you say something else??you sit there shaken and broken...tears flow down and you counsole yourself by saying...its ok someday it'll end,someday it'll be clear...every thing will end someday rights? but the question brought you to just another endless question thats without answer...What'll be the ending? A happy ending?? A Sad ending? or it just goes on and you die without knowing the answer? So are you ever needed??What'll happen if you have never existed? Would things be better then before? or Will it remain the same? will people's happiness increase or would it be the same??

..........Questions That Just Doesn't End With An Answer...............

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