Sunday, August 30, 2009

Watched Year One the other day, 3rd movie of the week, my wallet has plasters on them.. it was alright i guess, lame till funny kinda flim.. 3/5?


Maybe when you look back in your memories, deep inside somewhere, you knew a person, which started off from a stranger who you never thought you would know, and slowly with time as judge, you became close friends with, as you got closer, you might think that you know this person well, but in actual fact you don't... That very stranger that became your good friend, you slowly get repulsed and irritated with that friend of yours, and slowly you find that you unconsciously reject your friend that reluctantly tries to amend, but no, you don't ease up, you badger that friend even more, every word you deny and every action you brush away.. then you find the distance slowly enlarging, theres this barrier that momentally formed after your constant signs of avoidance, then uncomfortness kicks in, then you find the relationship fades away, and slowly you distant.. you cannot see it but that very person is human too, he feels the hurt from your constant reprimandation for being himself.. then you find yourself being shunned by that very person you shut away... and in the future, you find might possibly find yourself haunted with regrets and try to make amendments, but a broken relationship needs more than you can even give, even if you managed, it'll never be the perfect feeling in the past

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