Sometimes, I just wished you wouldn't get me all blurred up
Having delusions, illusions, confusions has been part of knowing you
leading me on and tossing me aside.. giving me dreams and crashing my hope
You're like a wind, come and go.. I'm also like a wind, persistently pushing
Maybe all you had to do was to break my heart...
Everytime I got so psyched up about going
Everytime I got so certain I was leaving
Everytime I got so confident of deceiving
Everytime I got so hardened to disappear
Everytime I got so focused on ignoring
Just a single appearence, word, sentence, question, greeting would crush me, melt me, make me drop back to the start..
It took me everything and all my focus to stay away, but you always had to distract me...
Then i get so messed up, so blurred up, so disrupted..
I'm probably just so screwed up, I just have no perserverence..
I text, I call, I write, I say, I type but you behave like I didn't... Was it because you didn't get it or was it because you chose not to get it.
I tried, I really Tried, the stupid things might be the things you call it, the small little insignificant things i do you might name it, the lousy wooing technique you might mention it.. I did it all, Everything that i thought you might like, i did it, i tried to make it happen.. You didn't have to love it all, you didn't have to return any of it.. All i wanted was alittle of your attention, abit of your appreciation, atad of your memory..But i couldn't see any signs of it.
Give me a sign?
- If you want me to stop, tell me that i could ( I could just be your friend )
- If you want me to carry on, tell me that i should ( I should be able to win you over )
- If you want me to wait, tell me that i might ( I might just wait till you say stop )
Honestly, i'm no longer clear on who am i directing this to.. I'm just empty inside perhaps..
I'm turning into a jerk like i was, thats how my distraught has damanged me..
I just wanna know, i'm already splitting inside
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