Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Its like a butterfly that spreads its wings the first time after coming out of its seclusion from the comforts of the cocoon, after prying a hole and leave... Its never going to come back and nest in the cocoon.

Its like a snake whom shed its skin after a period of time, and regenerating another set of its skin, leaving the skin behind for disintegration... Its never going to come back and take back its skin.

Its like the rain that falls away from the cloud to the land, slowly dispersing the cloud to nothingless while it slowly runs dry... Its never going to come back and revive the cloud.

Its like a leave whom left the barest tree, escaping to comforts of the ground, while the tree slowly withers away... Its never going to come back and reattach itself to the tree.

Its Never coming back
Yet its like a repulsive yet attractive magnet that pulls and push
Theres no one to blame...Its not your fault.We all know, I know. Its mine

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