20 Aug 2008
A Fresh New Dressing Sense For A Fresh New Year
Wahhhhhs i'm an AhPek liaos just 16years ago i dropped down to this world!!
Well firstly Thanks Everyone for their well wishes and also some of your presents..
hmmm i got these stuff in school today
A Note From My Drama Junior, Nicole/Sweet Dandelion
A Picture From My Drama Junior, Ariena/AriBoi
A Drawing and a Note From My Junior, Sarah
A Note / "Love Letter" From Shirly
A Note From SokHong
A Stolen Dropper From The Chem Lab By Yi Xian
A Pocket Torn Off By Benjamin
Lastly about 50 punches from richard/ zhengwei/ clarence/ nazri/ shirly/ hau san/ yi xian.
Yeahh its enough shock already...
Futhermore, after school Shirly and Anthony was acting weird, talking to me so rubbish all of a sudden, not allowing me to move from my spot but still i managed to squeeze till downstairs..Then Hung Siang spoiled their suprise by telling me, Har Har Har
So went up back to class, found out that the Drama club was there singing Happy Birthday with a Tiramisu Cake that doesn't really taste like Tiramisu. Was kinda elated yet unknown how to behave, like every birthday, unsure of how i should feel when people helps me to celebrate.. But still though it was brief, it was kinda fun
because while i was distrubuting the cake, out of nowhere a cake flew right from the right side then when i thought it'll be the end there were more attacks from the Left Right Back Front Center Down Up!!!!since i saw them eating the cake hadn't thought of the birthday smash, and soooo had a good time smashing them back in the face but still the girls were kinda hysterical and sooo gave up since they were screaming and running around...
Hahhhs interesting day~~~1st celebration in school
Well Special thanks to Drama Club too
ahh yes if i didn't write this i'll be probably hacked into pieces
okay?? for organising this suprise??
Well just finished celebrating once again at home, got a Felicia Blue Coloured PSP 0.0
though i wasn't planning to get one at all but yeaaaa THANKS!!
Had an early celebration at AMK's Ichiban Sushi with my family, ordered a whole LOT and i mean ALOT!! the whole table was filled, leaving no space at all.. the bill totaled up to be about $118 for 4 person...
~Why do you ask me to consider others again and again when you should know that you're the one???
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