Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Well 3 Happy events today..

Happy Children Day Kids!!, Happy Hari Raya Muslims!!, Happy Birthday Suen!!

ahh regardless that i'm overgrown, we went out to celebrate Children Day today, we as in me,ShengYao,Anthony,YanHua..

went to amk hub in hopes of catching the Painted Skin there but due to the 3 )(!&$(!@&$)!(*$)@!$*)(@*$)(!@&$)& person who arrived 1hr late from the meeting time, the tickets was sold out, so went to buy tickets at the Jubilee Cinema...

Then we happily walked back to AMK hub to get our food but after 40mins of wandering around, we are still lost of what we are going to have in order to please our grouchy stomach, due the long queues and the expensive price, we were practically out of options, thus we settled for a simple fare of food court which wasn't the least simple...Its EXPENSIVE

Then after filling up our bellies, we advanced to the NTUC to get our tidbits which we were going to sneak inside in just a few mins after, but amazingly that alone took a long time due to the confusing varieties which we were unable to choose from.. finally settled for Ruffles and Lays..

After purchasing all those "necessaries" I Faced with an major tribulation... I LOST THE MOVIE TICKETS WORTH : $48.. we went back to the food court but to no avail.. worriedly we staggered to the cinema, i was picturing my other $48 flying away, to repay them....I was really in a loss of words then as i didn't take anything out of my pocket, how was it gone?? the thoughts resonated around my mind..

But Miracles, Cure, Solution eventually came as the guy was kind enough to let us in as they have remembered my handsome face XP just kidding XP though we sat in a different position which was the 3rd row from the screen but it was already good enough... I really thanked the staff alot... A Blessing in Disguise??..

Well i decided to count my blessings then rant about the misfortune of mine...
but the day was enjoyable.. the movie was touching, was good, was ok but have many spaces to develop which they did not make, Painted Skin.. besides the demon who has a fake skin which is painted.. has another meaning actually, its another side of everybody which is on the appearence, you may appear good but you're bad, you might appear bad but you're good...

But anyway, all in all, in conclusion.. it was a fairly good romance story which was touching...

Don't expect much of the fighting but yea, enjoy the romance, enjoy the things one would do for one's love.. i'll rate it 3.5/5 i guess, it don't leave you lingering on the movie, perhaps because there isn't much deep meaning which gives room for imagination??

well i've had a good children day and i'll go back to be a teen tml.. a typical teenager studying for his Os

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