Thursday, December 23, 2010


Romance is something that everyone might take a really large part of their life searching for, but the question has always remained at why do we even search?
We give away so much for this relation hoping to gain a mutual development, but like a shares margin, the risk is high, way high. You could give this much and either gain that much or you could give this much and yet lose more than you ever chose to give.
Its really incomprehendable how when you begin to grow up, something inside just propels you to feel that having a relationship seems to be so essential, so much so that, everyone that hasn't found theirs yet slowly gets driven into depression regardless of their regards.
Theres so many reasons you could give for an explanation to that urge of being with that special one you've been eyeing for awhile now, that you've been putting the moves on but in the end, you find all the reasons invalid because theres always another alternative choice that you know but never seem to understand nor admit.
So in the end, is a relationship worth that much? Then which kind of relationship is worth it then. I, myself believe in trying out as many relationships as you're able to and just experience the differences in each, this way, you gain that much understanding of what are the things that are really important to you, you level up in the process as you learn how to manage it better with each passing one..
I know i really am a flirt, an easy target to be hooked. I met this girl today, and i'm already considering if i should try my luck with her, shes nice, shes pretty, shes laidback and shes probably over my league like everyone else.. I know theres 3 other that i think about with all honesty, but all i know is i'm pretty desperate for a relationship, the main reason being how i believe in experiencing relationship and yet i've seen and tried to help so many with none for myself.
And the truth behind it seems to be that in the end i'm still stuck at point one, unable to release myself from the hook i've moved in too deep to run. I need someone to overpower the hook and take me over, thats why i'm searching and trying pretty hard. But in the end I know, the results won't be any different any of the time. I'll fail and just stay as a single hopeless romance with myself

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