Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wouldn't things be so much simpler with signs that caution us before we take a nose dive down anything that would end up as nothing near to great. It might divulge and remove that spice of it but at least we wouldn't feel the sting when we bitterly slam into the cold hard floor that was beyond all the false layers of realistic paper carpets. At least even we plunge into it, there was some restriction of how much we allow to be consumed and how much we reserved to revive ourselves.

And now as we grow up, each seemingly festive or major events that happen only once a year becomes another day that happens once a year, theres no more excitement to confine in, theres no more sudden adrenaline to make you stay up all night, theres no more texting of wishes, it becomes just another day, an ordinary day that you staged your enthusiasm and act out charades for others to see.

When we were young, there were warnings to be heard of all these happenings but there wasn't any signs to show it, we were young, innocent, naive, stupid, dumb and we wished to grow up and promised to never regret that. and now we are old, weary, tired, exhausted, despondent and all we hoped for was to return to the days where we complain about how we aren't getting old. Its a vicious cycle, a pyramid of misery, a chain of depressions.. If only, when we were young, our ambition was to be a child, then maybe then, we wouldn't have to grow up so fast, we wouldn't have to die inside so quickly.

It isn't right, when we were young, we were happy but we wished for something that would eventually come.
when we are old, we are broken yet what we wish for is something that couldn't be brought to be.
Losing you is like losing myself.. I can't, but i have..

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