Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reassembling The Pieces
You never noticed but I was always there, looking from a distance, ready to shield you if you ever needed..
You never understood but I was always there, waiting by the phone, ready to entertain you if you ever needed..
You never saw but I was always there, making everything right, ready to make you smile if you ever needed..
You never felt but I was always there, being at your side, ready to love you if you ever needed..
But did you ever know how suffocating it is, to always be there while you keep fading away, to watch me fail again and again even when i didn't make any mistakes..

I'm feeling this way, when i'm still stuck halfway in the past... I'm certain, I just need your extra pull.
There doesn't mean that there isn't tears behind my smiles..its because my tears I was able to smile
I know it won't work out..I know we can't..I know we're far too different..I know you have someone else

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