I knew that i wouldn't when i first typed it till i unconsciously tried to confess, but i couldn't, i didn't dare, hadn't had the guts to.. Then i tried to make the hint, but i didn't admit it.. I wanted so much to tell you my tears, but i couldn't face my fears, by my side you wouldn't stay here...
It torn me apart, you could talk to a guy that disgusts you and didn't deserve any of your attention, you could try to shut him up, you could give him one word replies..
But how about me? You wouldn't answer me, reply my texts, answer my calls, continue conversations with me, you just wouldn't give me your attention..
So am i worse than someone you claimed that bad?
You > talking to a despo guy, trying to shoo him away, he wants girls.. Primary school classmates but now hes like a freaking ah beng, those abit zi lian, he likes taking picture half naked while he is very pale.
Me > Why are you even talking to him then?
You > cuz... Hes talking to me? =_=, but i'm trying to end it off with lots of "lol" "kinda"
Me > Why reply him still?
You > cuz even if i dun reply, he will keep talking
Me > just let him talk? or block will be a good usage
You - Offlined
These are summarized.. But you could reply to some weird ugly ah beng filled with disgust and probably with a rotten personality, but not to me? Am i really that horrible, so much that ignoring me seems to be okay?
I don't know..... I don't want to know..... I don't know if it'll be a lie
I really really could take you away from him, if you give me the chance, but i already know the answer don't i, i'm not getting it..
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