Sunday, November 21, 2010

These days are really unbearable with you around, i want to grab your shirt and pull it towards me, but no not in a romantic fashion but i just want to get you stare at me then i can whisper " you are pissing me off these days, you better step off my tail, i don't mind if you have your crap that happens, i don't care if you have issues with me being with me or at least what used to be me even though there isn't a me to begin with.. if you're getting to get in my way, if you're preparing to stop whatever that i do, if you're really going to keep this up, then i won't care how close we once were, if you're going to play god that you love to put around your mouth so much, i would take on the role of satan then. Don't give me your excuses, i had my worst crap hanging up my ass this entire year and i still held it in, even when i had to blow, i don't go in your face.. If you want either tell someone even me, or suck it up since you rejected people who lent themselves to suffer for you..if you're still going to come intruding on me then i might just be unfriendly. "
We all have our imperfections, our defectious state but you don't burdenize it on others, its either you let others in or you keep it till you decay. I'm sorry but about the cruelity but its a truth you have to live with.
I found out it wasn't that i was used to bolting up everything but because there wasn't someone who sincerely wanted to hear it.. It wasn't that they couldn't do anything but it was because they don't care as much as they appear to be.. It wasn't that you had your own share of problems but it was because you simply just want people to listen to you and not vice versa.
You wished for something all the time yet those who had it threw theirs away, isn't it too early to be so judgemental, convictive and certain.. If you have the best present in the present then why because of the unfixed future to rip it apart, why let the yellowed past dull your sight..

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