Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today, they were talking about the slashing incidents that is supposingly random and targeted at guys, they turned to me and said i had to be careful and not to stay out late.. Inside i smiled at the thought, I could imagine them coming up and i could take down a few before i go down together, I could finally have chances to throw those punches i've been forcing back in, I could finally disperse and leave maybe. I'm not sucidal its just that I don't mind ending it off when its coming. I can't keep these anger i've accumulated in. you were the lock that kept everything clear, and now the lock broke and the weight contributed, theres probably no more space to take anymore, no place to store anymore. I couldn't stand it, so i leaned down and pressed my ear against my watch, it ticked slowly, really slowly, and according to that timeline, memories of you just made its way through, I didn't want to remember it now, i don't think i can say i never regretted it, maybe all these were just a big mistake.

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