Sunday, July 13, 2008

i'll like to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO IZZUDDIN 1st, as i didn't touch the computer for the weekends for i've been staying at my gramps at ponggol with my cousin n brother..

Schoolwork has never left my mind, but i never realli got started on anything...It wasn't the fun but the discouraged feeling, theres many things i couldn't do..What'll happen to my 'O's??

Anyway the sense of acknowledgement realli hits the roof..Disallowing any thing except for a smile from ear to ear...I've noticed n remembered, a new promise you made...maybe this'll be right??

Lastly...I think the reason why i still doesn't have a dream eversince a week ago, when i wrote that letter to Dream, was that, i believed...maybe in him? maybe in not having a dream? or maybe it was my fear that another bad dream would occur and materialize into reality...

Welll... theres many theory of where would you go after death, some people believes that we reincarnate, some people felt that we go either hell or heaven, but from young i've felt that, we might just be shifted to another dimension where we relive what we lived, (which means that in another dimention, i'll writing this down too AND you would be reading this post)Dreams might be our forgotten fragmented memories we had before as we had lived this life before..That explains the DeJaVu feeling...Maybe we have died and we swapped dimention when we sleep...

Too Deep for you?? ^^

awww..just missed 11.11

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