Firstly i'll would like to express my sincere thanks to Izzuddin,Carol,MayTze for coming my house to lend a hand in the weary task of making Origiri(jap rice ball), we finally made about 80-90 after 6 hours which is like 6pm-12am.. so i believe that the two magic words should be awarded to them honourably, Thank YOU!!!
The day was okay, except for its not exactly what i thought it would be, a fun filled exciting day was living in my imagination but the truth was, boredom...
so the day started with me waking up late due to fatique but managed to skim pass the assemble time, had Chemistry where we did MCQ worksheets(spoiled festive season mood)..Then after 70minutes another 70 minutes of PE follouwed, had the usual game of Basketball, today was filled with lots of laughter as lots of stupid things happened..
Then Slacking time comes as chinese period came, gave out some origiri to the class first as a prevention of not having one later on and whinning about it for i thought they'll be selling like hot cakes only that this time its free..Then went down to prepare for our stall, we had
1. Origiri
2. Mutu Mayam
3. Roti Prata
4. Pandan Cake 0.0?
5. Curry Puff
6. 2 A&W(rootbeer) 1 FnN Grape, 1 Sprite
that was all we had..
The place was flooded with people as our walkway was minimized as the rained had made a barrier outside the walkway, due to laziness, just mended the stall for the whole time there, cleaned up after everything...
Went back to class took photos, men only club first, Then the whole class...
Look I Grew, I'm The Tallest
Act Cute..Shudders..
Fierce Looking/Gorilla Looking
Presenting 4E Multi-racial Restaurant
A Pic With Liying( it was hard to adjust the height..)
4E With An Extra Teacher(the one in the center XP)
Racial Formal 4E
A Rare Formal Occasion..
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